Don’t let them steal your bedding!

Lavie Dilly Logos
Lavid Dilly Gunnar

Our common denominator: sustainability and Swiss Design.

Swiss Design, #fromeuropewithlove and GOTS certified: many commonalities that connect the two labels.

And yet… This time something is different: For this collaboration we leave our comfortable socks and bedding comfort-zones and do what we actually can’t do. Say what? That’s right, DillySocks makes bed linen and lavie makes socks. Learn from the best, so to speak.

Discover now the bed linen from DillySocks and the socks from lavie.

10% of the sales go to rePATRN

Our mutual Swiss friend Jeffrey, made the observation at a young age that the streets in Ghana are much more littered than the clean Swiss streets. But why? Years later, in search of an answer, he came to the source of the problem: PET!

PET is the abbreviation for polyethylene terephthalate and is made from petroleum. It is used for the production of plastic bottles.

PET has become very popular in the beverage as well as textile industries due to its durability. But there’s one big problem: Since plastic bottles take at least 450 years to degrade, they will never completely disappear.

With rePATRN, Jeffrey has started a company that has addressed the recycling problem in Ghana.

lavie Dilly rePATRN

“Recycled PET does not require petroleum for its production,
while about 1.9 kg of petroleum is needed to produce 1 kg of virgin PET.”

Jeffrey, founder of rePATRN.

lavie Dilly rePATRN

About DillySocks

Our goal: to make the world more colorful and sustainable.

We at DillySocks firmly believe that each of us must take care of the environment. We all have to be careful with resources. That is why we must act as sustainably as possible in our activities as a brand. We are convinced that sustainability must be pursued on a wide variety of levels and that, in addition to ecological and economic aspects, particularly social projects are also very important. Everyone should be allowed to show their true colors without having their feet stepped on. Because only in this way can the world continue to inspire us with its colors every day. Thus, every pair of DillySocks is a statement for a more colorful, fairer and more ecological world!

The idea behind the campaign

Such a cozy nest is very desirable. Gunnar, the fresh dude from the north, also wants one. A seagull with a tendency to kleptomania. He steals from product to product and leaves his mark everywhere. On his thieving tour, no challenge is too big for him. He sails skillfully through the basement window to pluck the cool sock from the clothesline, or with accelerated speed and meticulously planned trajectory into the hamam, where he tears the relaxed visitor’s hamam towel off his body, and last but not least he flies with a loop and in blind flight through the semi-dark bedroom, where he takes the incredibly cuddly pillow with him. Gunnar’s nest at the harbor is ready for move in – mission completed.

On his tours, Gunnar usually also collects one or two PET bottles that are unfortunately floating in his beloved waters. Gunnar has a great desire for a plastic-free future. That’s why we donate 10% of the sales of the #cleptomanicfriendcollection to rePATRN, just like Gunnar. Because rePATRN also collects PET in Ghana and pursues the goal of recycling the material and creating new products from it.

lavie Dilly model sheet gunnar

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